What is the purpose of the commonwealth
What is the purpose of the commonwealth

what is the purpose of the commonwealth

Countries like Australia, Canada, and New Zealand all are self-governing with the exception of their Head of State, who is now King Charles III, the present British monarch. While many chose the route of self-governance, there are a few that continue to keep the British Crown as the Head of State. India, Pakistan, and many other nations that joined after the decolonization period post World War II are still members of the Commonwealth. That new form of membership for Commonwealth members was one in which they were self-governing and autonomous, but could still benefit from the free trade and economic freedom of the Commonwealth. In 1949, India decided to remain a member of the Commonwealth even after becoming a self-governing state, adding a wrinkle into the plan that would end up benefiting the UK and the Commonwealth greatly.

what is the purpose of the commonwealth

As members of the Commonwealth traded among themselves, they would inevitably trade with the British, thereby increasing their revenue and trade capacity through the perceived economic freedom of their colonies. At the genesis of the Commonwealth in the late 1800’s, it was meant to maintain British control in its colonial states, while also making it easier for those states to trade amongst themselves. During this time, it has been instrumental in the formation of the economies of Britain and its many former colonial states.

what is the purpose of the commonwealth

The Commonwealth has existed in its current state for the better part of the last two centuries. The United Kingdom’s Commonwealth serves as a collective of states, both sovereign and under the dominion of the UK, that seeks to aid in trade, facilitate collective growth, and centralize currency under the British pound.

what is the purpose of the commonwealth

Then, we’ll discuss the past, present and future of the UK, its economy, its politics, and how that will affect the Commonwealth at large. To answer this, we’ll have to figure out what the Commonwealth is, what it does, who’s in it, and what its future looks like. What purpose does the monarchy serve? Why is the United Kingdom so important internationally? What does the future of the Commonwealth and Britain look like? The last question is the most prescient one to the UK and the world. The death of Queen Elizabeth II has sent many questions rippling through the UK and the world. It has been said that the sun never sets on the British Empire.

What is the purpose of the commonwealth